Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snapshot of

A Lesson in Photography

(photo taken by Charlie from our window!)

I definitely have a love-hate relationship with San Francisco, often colored by the thrill and stress of nursing school, all things that come along with moving, parking, and the weather. Too often I find myself blaming SF for my stress and foul moods. Sure it would be nice to see the sun rise weekly, and it would be pleasant if parking was not a pain. But where else, on a blessed sunny day can you lie on the beach with a view of the golden gate bridge? Where else can you walk outside in whatever outfit you please, even if you forgot one and not feel out of place? Where else can you find the entire San Francisco Opera Orchestra playing for free in your neighborhood park? Nowhere else I'm aware of, and this is why I’m starting to understand that beneath the fog, San Francisco is Freedom.

Then of course when you spend an hour looking for a parking spot just to end up in a two hour zone, you revert to the original assumption, SF sure sucks.

Ha-ha, and it really can change just like that!

my first photo subjects, thrilled

Last night Charlie gave me a brief lesson on photography. We covered the importance of light and how to manipulate how much using Exposure, ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture. With the bits I retained I I decided to document my walk to meet a friend for lunch today.

fly eating plant in our window

My walk rekindled my romance with San Francisco. I relished in the scrolling sidewalks lined with miniature gardens, famously architect-ed homes, and brilliant people ambling about. Color and curiosity were leaking from the cobblestone driveways and sidewalk creases today.

And I included some quotes to celebrate.

decorations on our doorstep

“If you're alive, you can't be bored in San Francisco. If you're not alive, San Francisco will bring you to life.”-William Saroyan

a stroll up Ashbury

"If your going to San Francisco make sure to wear flowers in your hair"- J.B. Phillips

BoldFlorence Nightingale at UCSF

moonscape by Charlie from Bolinas Ridge

"The Bay Area is so beautiful, I hesitate to preach about heaven while I'm here. "
~Billy Graham

And I would have to agree :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cherry Creek 2010

Cherry Creek 2010

By Rebecca Wahlgren

There has been a lot of change in 2010 and little time to slow down and reflect. Greg and Chrissy tied the knot and moved to the Lake Merritt neighborhood of Oakland. Charlie and I moved to the Haight in San Francisco. Charlie bought a CNC mill and has dedicated countless hours to making self designed and manufactured pole aerial photography rigs, and I started nursing school at UCSF. All of our lives have been a bit hectic as we adjust and still try to maintain a sense of self that was once so deeply rooted in our old neighborhood in Rockridge. I thought this weekend of backpacking in Cherry Creek would be a much needed opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and each other. And so we embarked!

Cherry Creek is a place very sacred to Charlie. He has many childhood memories of camping here with his family as a youngster. Charlie has not returned since high school and was both excited and nervous to share the landscape with us. Nervous because the route to our destination involved miles of unlabeled dirt roads to drive down followed by six miles of cross country-style (map and compass) terrain.

Day 1: Hike to Cherry Creek Valley

Day one was the most memorable for me. After navigating our way down the treacherous dirt road and waiting patiently for some loggers blocking our path to load up, we started our hike, backpacks loaded, to the creek. We encountered a story books worth of wilderness including a lake full of lily pads, free range cows, bear poo (full of berries), lots of fallen trees and a wonderland of granite. All was going well until my altitude sickness erupted (literally) and Charlie and Greg so kindly divided up my load so I could continue the trek in some comfort. Descending into the valley, we were faced with many obstacles: forests of Manzanita brush, dead ends, and lots of scrambling down rock cliffs. After several wrong turns our resolves were weaning, and my nausea gaining, but despite the difficulty we were determined to make it to our campsite.

And we made it just in time to collapse into our sleeping bags!

Good Morning Chrissy!

Day 2: Exploring Cherry Creek

We camped two nights under a blanket of stars next to a stream surrounded by granite and trees. The entire landscape was breathtaking with a sentiment similar to Yosemite minus the crowds. We were the only people within eyesight! We spent our day visiting fishing holes, lounging on granite slabs, jumping into water holes, and exploring a nearby lake lush with vegetation. We ate very well having brought enough food to feed all our families combined (always better to be over prepared I suppose). We had options at every meal, which we were grateful for, especially when I managed to mix our dehydrated hummus with tequila! Who knew hummus could be so spicy…. We also had our share of freshly caught trout (sometimes served with pesto!) several caught by Charlie and the biggest fish yet caught by Greg. It’s amazing how elegant a rainbow trout can look even after its head has been chopped off!

That night Charlie made a fire on a nearby island of sand just steps from our campsite. We spent the night under the stars chatting and playing tic-tac-toe and three letter hang man in the sand.

View of our Valley

Greg's Big Catch!

Exploring the Moon

Luscious Lake

Timed Group Shot

Chrissy's Impressive Frog Leap!

Playing in the Cold Water

Close up of the Moon

Chrissy Casting

Day 3: Hike Out of the Valley

I have to admit I was dreading our hike out of the valley; my worry colored by memories of N/V on the descent. Thanks to our troop leader Charlie, our trip back went very smoothly. With carefully planned navigation we made it back faster and easier than our descent.

Almost to flat ground!

A Scenic Lunch

View of the Valley

Out of the Valley surrounded by Lake Reeds

Some Friends we found along the way...
(not shown: water snake, blue jay, chipmunk, cow, mosquito, and bee)

Now done with the hard part (hiking out), over come with joy and happiness Greg, Chrissy, and I bathed in one of the Chain Lakes while Charlie snapped pictures and kindly pumped water for our dinner of Ramen, Miso Soup, and Beef Stroganoff. One of my fondest memories is when Chrissy brought out the St. Ives Apricot Face Scrub (biodegradable of course) never have I been so delighted to clean my face!


Love at first sight! Greg and Chrissy swimming

Now that we had made it out of the Valley we could all relax. Even Charlie who had taken on the responsibility of leading us into the wilderness now let his guard down because he knew we could all find our way back to the car if needed. So the night started with setting up camp and making dinner on top of yet another granite slab.


If anyone ever goes back to Cherry Creek, campsite 12 by one of the Chain Lakes is awesome! Plenty of space, secluded by a large fallen tree and granite walls, steps from the lake and a full fire pit with four sitting logs. As night fell Charlie set his camera to long exposure and we took turns writing messages with our head lamps ( see the first picture of the blog).

A sweet moment


We spent the rest of our night sitting around a growing fire nibbling on chocolates and playing Greg’s all time favorite camping game: Threes! Greg carried an entire Nalgene of Casadores Tequila, limes, and salt out with us just to make his dream a reality. Somehow I got blessed with the power to rarely lose at this game granting me the power to maintain my sobriety while witnessing the giggling and joking of everyone else escalate.

Starry night over the lake

(need to turn down the ISO next time :)

Day 4: Return to the Bay

The remainder of our hike back to the car was short, sweet, and rewarding. Our weekend had been a success and I think we were all feeling ready to go home to the luxuries of showers and mattresses. We safely cleared the dirt path without any loggers in our way and stopped in Sonora for lunch at a local brewery. After the waitress more or less got our order right after about seven tries and two hours, we enjoyed our hamburgers and veggie sandwich. Charlie ready to stop driving and take a back seat to the trip enjoyed some Sierra Nevadas and Greg kindly drove us back to the Bay painstaking as it was with all the Yosemite traffic intruding the whole way.

It has now been a week since our return and life is back to normal, more or less, my school starts up next week. I feel like I was able to take a little bit of the creek’s peace and serenity back with me, and I’m feeling more grounded and ready to tackle this next quarter of nursing school! As for Greg and Chrissy, they just finished the Tour de Tahoe this weekend (a 75 mile bike trek) and are back at work, getting ready for a weekend celebrating Greg’s brother’s wedding. Charlie and I celebrated Ned and Jaque’s wedding this weekend as well as our own three year dating anniversary. Life goes on, but it’s important to keep sight of yourself and remind yourself of your roots.

Mountain Man Charlie after four days in the woods!

Can’t wait for Cherry Creek 2011!!!